
Who We Serve

ChronicCareIQ  solutions empower medical providers of all shapes, sizes, and specialties to improve patient outcomes while growing practice profitability. 

Comprehensive Care Management Solutions

ChronicCareIQ’s robust platform offers the full range of preventative care management services based on the unique needs of your patient population and the growth strategies of your practice.

Primary Care Providers

Internists and family practitioners have a wide range of responsibilities to cover with minimal face-to-face time with patients.

See how CCIQ helps you stay connected and build stronger relationships with your patients. More >


When proactively managed, cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure or AFIB can have a minimal impact on a patient’s quality of life.

Learn how CCIQ can help you monitor your patients’ symptoms and deliver more informed careMore >


Treating illnesses of the brain and nervous system, such as Alzheimer’s and stroke, requires neurologists to track patient symptoms. 

Learn how CCIQ gives you access to patient insights in between visits to monitor patients and slow disease progression. More >


Chronic lung and respiratory diseases, such as COPD and sleep apnea, often lead to co-morbidities that can further complicate a patient’s healthcare journey.

With CCIQ, pulmonologists are better equipped to prevent costly complications. More >

Multi-Specialty Practices

Leveraging one care management system that addresses all chronic diseases makes it easier to support each specialist’s unique needs.

Learn how CCIQ’s comprehensive system automates disease-specific patient engagement. More >

Primary Care

Remotely track and proactively address rising risks within your patient populations

  • Easily identify which patients need greater assistance 
  • Avoid costly complications and adverse events
  • Participate in value-based care contracts with confidence 
  • Generate new monthly recurring revenue streams
  • Grow your patient population and satisfaction 

Primary care physicians can bill for CCM, RPM, RTM, and BHI/CoCM.

“ChronicCareIQ has given us the ability to pay for the robust care team we need to do modern primary care by automatically capturing the appropriate codes and reimbursement dollars. ”


“We've seen remarkable improvements with ChronicCareIQ. It has greatly enhanced the efficiency of our phone interactions and the promptness in updating patient care. This has been vital in providing timely and effective healthcare services to our patients.”

Get reimbursed for the principal care management activities Your Team Performs

  • Automatically capture data and documentation needed to easily support billing and audits
  • Increase case loads per FTE by informing care managers which patients are trending in the wrong direction
  • Choose from pre-built, disease-specific protocols, such as AFIB and CHF, for patient outreach content and cadence
  • Prevent disease progression and the risk of hospitalizations 

Cardiologists typically bill for CCM, PCM, RPM, and RTM.


Help improve the quality of life and keep patients at home longer

  • Leverage pre-built, disease-specific questionnaires or customize your own to track what matters most to you 
  • Generate monthly recurring revenue through PCM and RPM care management services
  • Proactively receive notifications as patients report data that falls outside of your clinical thresholds
  • Participate in value-based care contracts with confidence by demonstrating your ability to improve outcomes and avoid re-admissions 

Neurologists typically bill for PCM, RPM, and RTM.

“Being able to stay connected with my patients and their caregivers on any device, at any time, is so important. Their symptoms can change quickly, and it's helpful for us to see those trends and know better when to intervene.”


“With the growing number of COPD referrals we were getting, we needed a better way to manage our patients outside visits. ChronicCareIQ allowed us to identify which patients needed more help so we could better focus our limited resources.”

Gain visibility into patient status before costly complications arise

  • Capture and track patient vital signs remotely and monitor trends for potential rising risks
  • Earn reimbursement dollars for the non-face-to-face work your staff already does to care for your patients
  • Automatically capture time spent by staff on care management activities for easy documentation and audit support
  • Improve quality of life for your patients by helping them navigate their condition with confidence

Pulmonologists typically bill for PCM, RPM, RTM, and BHI/CoCM.

Multi-Specialty practices

Confidently pursue value-based care with proactive care management

  • Demonstrate your ability to consistently improve patient outcomes and contain costs
  • Continuously improve patient satisfaction and retention
  • Generate revenue from care management activities and shared savings
  • Gain visibility into clinical and financial operations for smarter business decisions

Multi-specialty practices typically bill for all care management activities, depending on the patient’s needs. 

“Our participation in value-based payment models continues to grow as a percentage of our revenue. ChronicCareIQ helps us ensure we hit all of the quality measures that are important to both our reimbursement rates and our patients.”

Hear What Our Customers are Saying

See for yourself how we can help you grow without adding more resources or risk.

Now is the time to explore a better care management solution that gives you confidence to grow your practice while giving patients confidence in managing their complex conditions.

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