Add Chronic Care Management and Remote Patient Monitoring to Enhance Care and Grow Revenue at Your Practice

For one, fixed monthly fee, ChronicCareIQ’s Connected Care Solutions help you improve outcomes for your complex patients while automatically capturing revenue for the work you and your staff already do for your chronically ill patients.

  • Get Paid for the work you are already doing – up to $265 per patient per month.
  • 87% patient retention at one year.
  • Add pro-active monitoring and outreach without adding overhead, new patients or even extra patient visits.

Talk to An Expert

See how ChronicCareIQ empowers your practice to grow with confidence through robust care management programs.

It’s pretty simple. Our enterprise-ready platform leverages the work you are already doing, the systems you already have, and the staff you already employ to turn care management activities into reimbursable events and compliant documentation.

Top Benefits You Can Expect with ChronicCareIQ

Improved Visibility

Gain complete visibility of patients’ status based on real-time data captured directly from your patients.

Staff are automatically notified when patient trends fall outside of the clinical thresholds set, helping them to focus their time on patients who need it most. In-depth, monthly trend reports can be generated with the click of a button to give you both clinical and financial visibility into the success of your preventative care management programs. 

Improved Patient Outcomes

When patients and providers are better connected, everyone wins.

A lot can happen in between patient visits to your office. That’s why ChronicCareIQ’s Connected Care platform makes it easy for your team to always stay informed about patients’ status. Empowered with real-time data, your staff can more effectively and proactively manage your patients’ chronic and complex conditions, resulting in better outcomes.

Increased Staff Productivity

Preventative care management programs don’t have to Burden your already-busy staff.

By proactively engaging with patients, inbound phone calls are dramatically reduced and less patient follow-up is required. As your staff spends time on the phone and in your EHR system  coordinating care for your chronically ill patients, the system captures those activities and automatically prepares the supporting documentation for care management reimbursement. All of this automation allows you to support more patients with the same amount of staff.  

Better Reimbursements

Get reimbursed for the work you are already doing.

CMS continues to increase the reimbursement rates for preventative care management services. ChronicCareIQ solutions automatically capture the care management work already being done and prepare all of the necessary billing documentation each month so you can focus on your patients, not the paperwork. Plus, the system sustains patient engagement, discovers patient data that leads to better outcomes, and lowers overall costs.

What Makes ChronicCareIQ Different?


Our platform automatically collects objective data from devices and existing systems as well as subjective data from patients to automatically perform many of the manual tasks and documentation requirements that most other care management and call center services demand. 


87% of patients who start responding to our customizable clinical monitoring protocols are still responding more than one year later. Our platform makes it easy for your staff and your patients to stay connected between visits to ensure the best possible outcomes for your patients and your practice. 

Complete Care

With six care management categories covering 20+ codes, our platform gives your staff one place to capture and manage all activities they are already doing. It also assigns interactions to the right provider and the right bucket to avoid unnecessary audit risks and unrecognized revenue.  


For one, fixed, monthly fee, our simple approach to pricing enables your practice to develop robust care management programs with confidence that your operational costs will remain the same as your practice grows and your patients benefit from the care and attention they receive. 

We’ve positively impacted thousands of patients and practices.
The numbers speak for themselves.

Explore what our comprehensive care management platform can do for you and your patients.

Improve patient outcomes

Automated patient engagement maintains a connection between visits and alerts staff to those with needs.

Optimize Reimbursement

25+ codes track monthly, recurring reimbursements for work your staff is already performing. They’re significant. Plug into them.

Strengthen patient relationships

Discover how easy it is to be on the same page with patients between visits and watch outcomes improve.

Gain visibility

Simplify how you manage resources and care management programs with real-time patient dashboards and pre-built financial reports.

Grow patient populations

Attract more referral sources and patients with higher-than-average quality scores, proof of positive patient outcomes and patient satisfaction that drives word-of-mouth.

Drive patient engagement

Increase patient adoption, engagement and retention by automating and simplifying communication through the technology they already use every day.

Hear What Our Customers are Saying

A Rich History of Success with Practices and Patients


patient engagement
at one year


of patients on Medicare find
our product easy to use


of our patients find
the product helpful


of patients find it reassuring to know
their doctor gets frequent updates

See for Yourself How CCIQ can help you start growing your care management program today.

Now is the time to explore a better care management solution that gives you confidence to grow your practice while giving patients confidence in managing their complex conditions.